Course Offered

Certificate Course
Course Name -: Web Designing
Need of Course:
            Every business today has a website of its own. It has become a necessity for people to have their websites to run the business and reach globally. Reaching out to the masses in the easiest way is through websites. Today lots of job opportunities are available in the area of Website Designing in a city like Kolhapur some institutions charging more than Rs.5000/- for website designing course but in our department we are offering same course for less than Rs. 5000/-, therefore we hope to get more number of students enrolled for said course.     
Duration: 3 months                                                  
Total Marks: 100 (50 Theory Evolution + 50 Practical Evolution)
1)      Successful qualification of the 10+2 level of education in any stream, from a recognized educational Board.
2)      A minimum aggregate score of 50% at the 10+2 level.
3)      Basic computer knowledge is required.
Objectives -:
  1. To develop the skill & knowledge of Web page design.
  2. To define the principle of Web page design.
  3. To define the basics in web design.
  4. To visualize the basic concept of HTML.
  5. To recognize the elements of HTML.
  6. To introduce basics concept of CSS.
  7. To develop the concept of web publishing.
  8. To make students self employed.
Admission Process:
            The admission is given on the basis of first come first serve.
Fee: Rs.3000/-           
Total Intake: 40 seats.
Teaching Staff:
  1. Mr. V. B. Pujari.
  2. Mr. R. S. Sawant.
  3. Mrs. M. S. Patil.
Total Fee Collected:  40 students X Rs.3000/-         = 120000/-
A)    Fees Submitted to Sanstha (40%)                   : 48000/-
B)    Fees for College (60%)                                   : 72000/-

Total Fees for College Use: 72000/-
A)    Remuneration for staff: 45 hrs X 250             = 11250/-
B)    Remuneration for Administrative Staff          = 6000/-
C)    Electric charges                                               =5000/-
D)    Computer Server                                             =45000/-
E)     Stationary                                                        =2000/-
F)     Miscellaneous Expenses                                  =1500/-

Course Content

1.    Introduction to Web Design                                                                                     (5)
1.1. Basic principles involved in developing a web site
1.2. Planning process
1.3. Five Golden rules of web designing
1.4 Designing navigation bar
1.5  Page design
1.6  Home Page Layout
1.7  Design Concept.

2. Basics in Web Design                                                                                                  (6)
2.1 Brief History of Internet
2.2 What is World Wide Web
2.3 Why create a web site
2.4 Web Standards
2.5 Audience requirement.

3. Introduction to HTML                                                                                               (6)
3.1 What is HTML
3.2 HTML Documents
3.3 Basic structure of an HTML document
3.4 Creating an HTML document
3.5 Mark up Tags
3.6 Heading-Paragraphs
3.7 Line Breaks
3.8 HTML Tags.

4. Elements of HTML                                                                                                     (7)
4.1 Introduction to elements of HTML
4.2 Working with Text
4.3 Working with Lists, Tables and Frames
4.4 Working with Hyperlinks, Images and Multimedia
4.5 Working with Forms and controls.

5. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets                                                                     (7)
5.1 Concept of CSS
5.2 Creating Style Sheet
5.3 CSS Properties
5.4 CSS Styling(Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts)
5.5 Working with block elements and objects
5.6 Working with Lists and Tables
5.8  CSS Id and Class
5.8 Box Model(Introduction, Border properties, Padding, Properties, Margin properties)
      5.9 CSS Advanced(Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align, Pseudo                     class, Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector)
      5.10 CSS Color
5.11      Creating page Layout and Site Designs.

6. Java script                                                                                                                    (8)
      6.1. Introduction: JavaScript Overview, JavaScript Syntax, Type of JavaScript,                              Embedding Script In HTML File, Variable.
      6.2. Operators  Arithmetic: Logical, Comparison, Assignment, Conditional,
      6.3.Conditional Statement & Looping Statement: If, If…Else, Switch, While, Do/while, for
      6.4.Function & Object: Passing Parameter to function, Returning a value from function,                                   Creating Object, Accessing Object Properties.
      6.5. Method: Array Object, String Object, Date Object, Math Object, Window Object,                                    Navigator Object
      6.6. Event Type: Mouse Events, Frame/Object Events, Form Events

7. Introduction to Web Publishing or Hosting                                                  (6)
      7.1 Creating the Web Site
      7.2 Saving the site
      7.3 Working on the web site
      7.4 Creating web site structure
      7.5 Creating Titles for web pages
      7.6 Themes-Publishing web sites.

Total 45

Question Paper Pattern

Instructions:   1) Q.1 is compulsory.
                        2) Solve any four from Q.2 to Q.7.

Q1.      MCQ                                                                                                               (10X1)=10

Q2.      A.                                                                                                                                (5)
            B.                                                                                                                                 (5)

Q3.      A.                                                                                                                                (5)
            B.                                                                                                                                 (5)

Q4.      A.                                                                                                                                (5)
            B.                                                                                                                                 (5)

Q5.      A.                                                                                                                                (5)
            B.                                                                                                                                 (5)

Q6.      A.                                                                                                                                (5)
            B.                                                                                                                                 (5)

Q7.      A.                                                                                                                                (5)
            B.                                                                                                                                 (5)

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